Hands #44-47: Chris Lee is Taking Control

May 24, 2023

Chris Lee

Hand #44:

Steve Spunt opens to 105,000 from the button and Chris Lee calls from the small bling. 

The flop comes Heart QDiamond JClub 7, Lee checks, and Spunt bets 100,000.  Lee calls.

Both players check the Spade 9 on the turn as well as the Club J on the river. 

Lee turns up Club KClub Q and Spunt mucks. 

Chris Lee – 4,750,000 (95 bb)
Steve Spunt – 2,150,000 (43 bb)

Hand #45: 

Chris Lee opens to 105,000 from the button and everyone folds.

Hand #46: 

Chris Lee opens to 105,000 from the cutoff and Joseph Deluca goes all in for 690,000 from the small blind. Everyone folds. 

Joseph Deluca – 895,000 (18 bb)

Hand #47:

Chris Lee opens to 105,000 from the hijack and everyone folds. He shows Club AHeart K

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