Hands #44-46: Iulian Tataru Doubles Off Andras Matrai

Apr 15, 2024

HAND #44 – Maor Zaharagi gets a walk in the big blind.

HAND #45 – Fabian Gumz gets a walk in the big blind.

HAND #46 – Andras Matrai raises to 300,000 under the gun, Iulian Tataru moves all in for 425,000 from the cutoff, and Matrai calls.

Iulian Tataru: Heart 9Diamond 9
Andras Matrai: Diamond 5Heart 5

The flop comes Heart 2Diamond 6Diamond 8 to keep Tataru in the lead with his nines. “Four of diamonds,” Matrai says, and the turn comes Spade 4 to give him a straight draw.

The river is the Club 2 and Tataru survives to double up.

Iulian Tataru- 1,150,000 (8 bb)
Andras Matrai- 6,200,000 (41 bb)

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