Hands #38-40: Hanyong Kuo Takes From Ole Schemion

Jan 15, 2018

Han Kuo
Hand #38: Hanyong Kuo raised to 110,000 with the Heart KSpade Q and Michael Behnert called in the big blind with the Club KHeart J. On a flop of Club QClub 8Diamond 5, Behnert checked and Kuo claimed the pot with a bet of 125,000.

Hand #39: Ole Schemion raised to 100,000 with the Heart AHeart 6 and Kuo called out of the big blind with the Spade 4Club 4. The flop came Club 7Heart 3Spade 3 and Kuo checked, Schemion bet 75,000 and Kuo called.

Both players checked the Spade J and Kuo bet the Spade 7 river for 125,000 and Schemion reluctantly called to see the bad news.

Hand #40: Michal Mrakes opened to 110,000 with the Club AClub Q and that won the blinds and antes.

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