Hands #39-40: Corrie Wunstel Eliminated in 5th Place ($59,335)

Nov 19, 2013

Hand #39 – Corrie Wunstel receives a walk in the big blind.

Hand #40 – Michael Horchoff limps the button and Corrie Wunstel moves all in for 1,095,000 from the small blind. Jared Jaffee calls from the big blind and Horchoff folds. 

Wunstel: [AcJd]
Jaffee: [9h9c]

The flop comes [3c4s4h] and Jaffee’s nines retain the lead. The [7h] hits the turn and the [9d] finishes off the board on the river, giving Jaffee nines full of fours and the winning hand. 

Jared Jaffee – 5,700,000 
Corrie Wunstel – Eliminated

Corrie Wunstel

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