Hands #39-41: Grigoriy Shwarts Doubles Through Zachary Donovan

Oct 3, 2017

Hand #39: Zachary Donovan raises to 90,000 from the cutoff, and Phong “VIP” Nguyen uses a time bank before three-betting to 220,000 from the big blind. Donovan folds.

Hand #40: Donovan raises to 90,000 again, this time from the hijack, and Kenny Nguyen reraises all in for 415,000 from the small blind and wins when all fold.

“I have the best hand,” Kenny insists.

Hand #41: Donovan opens a third straight hand for 90,000, and Grigoriy Shwarts (pictured below) calls from the big blind. The flop comes Club KDiamond 10Diamond 8, Shwarts bets 70,000, and Donovan calls. The turn is the Heart 3. Shwarts checks this time, Donovan bets enough to put him all in, and Shwarts calls for 585,000.

Shwarts has Diamond QDiamond J and Donovan Heart KHeart 9. The river then brings the Diamond 7 to give Shwarts the flush, despite his saying after “I never get there… I didn’t expect to get there.”

Grigoriy Shwarts – 1,450,000 (36 bb)
Zachary Donovan – 3,650,000 (91 bb)

Grigoriy Shvarts

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