Hands #38-44: Samy Boujmala Begins to Distance Himself from the Table

Aug 6, 2023

Samy Boujmala

HAND #38: Patirck Viret shoves 1,200,000 from the cutoff with pocket eights and takes down the pot.

HAND #39: Samy Boujmala raises to 120,000 from the cutoff with Diamond ASpade 4 and Adrien Amorella three-bet shoves 860,000, holding Spade AClub 10. Boujmala folds.

HAND #40: Boujmala opens with Spade 10Club 9 to 120,000 from the cutoff. Hugo Heiter calls on the button with Spade KClub Q and Amorella shoves 1,100,000, holding Diamond ADiamond J and takes down the pot.

HAND #41: Amorella opens Heart 9Diamond 7 to 120,000 from the button and Viret defends his big blind with Heart JHeart 3 to see the Club QSpade 9Diamond 4 flop.

Viret checks, Amorella bets 90,000 and Viret folds.

HAND #42: Boujmala receives a walk in the big blind.

HAND #43: Loic Menneteau raises to 120,000 from the cutoff with Spade 2Diamond 2 and Boujmala three-bets with Heart AHeart 5, making it 500,000.

HAND #44: Boujmala opens to 120,000 with Heart 9Club 5 and Amorella defends his big blind, holding Diamond AHeart 7. The dealer fans out Diamond 9Diamond 8Diamond 4 and Boujmala bets 60,000 which is quickly check-raised to 180,000 by Amorella.

Boujmala calls, bringing the Heart 5 turn where both check through, having the Spade 10 complete the board.

Amorella fires in 600,000 and Boujmala calls with his two pair, taking down the pot.

Samy Boujmala – 7,100,000 (118 bb)
Hugo Heiter – 1,700,000 (28 bb)
Adrien Amorella – 680,000 (11 bb)
Loic Menneteau – 3,100,000 (52 bb)
Patrick Viret – 1,100,000 (18 bb)

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