Hands #37-41: The Rich (Big Stacks) Get Richer

Feb 10, 2015

Hand #37  –  Greg Rosen raises from the hijack to 185,000, Brian Altman reraises from teh button to 440,000, and Rosen folds. Altman takes the pot.

Hand #38  –  Everyone folds to Kelly Minkin, giving her a walk in the big blind.

Hand #39  –  Kelly Minkin moves all in from the small blind, and short-stack Dean Baranowski folds the big blind. Minkin takes the blinds and antes.

Hand #40  –  Mark Dube raises from the hijack to 175,000, winning the blinds and antes.

Hand #41  –  Brian Altman raises under the gun to 175,000, Mark Dube calls from middle position, and Jon Graham calls from the big blind. All three players check to the turn on a board of Qdiamond6diamond6heartQspade, and Graham bets 340,000. Altman folds, and Dube calls.

The river is the 5diamond, Graham checks, Dube bets 630,000, and Graham folds as he says, “Show the three.” Dube reveals nothing as he takes the pot.

Mark Dube  –  10,950,000  (136 bb)
Jon Graham  –  1,600,000  (20 bb)

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