Hands #32-36: A Whole Lot of Walks

Jan 29, 2024

Hand #32: Konstantin Held raises to 250,000 and folds when Kyle Bao Diep jams out of the small blind.

Hand #33: A walk for Joshua Mccully.

Hand #34: Held wins back 75,000 as everyone folds.

Hand #35: The third walk in a row, this time for Florent Remi.

Hand #36: Amit Kaushik opens to 250,000, Remi and Motoyoshi Okamura call out of the blinds. The Club 10Club 6Spade 4 flop is checked to the Spade 5 turn. Remi leads for 400,000 and his two opponents fold.

Florent Remi – 8,400,000 (67 bb)
Motoyoshi Okamura – 6,000,000 (48 bb)
Amit Kaushik – 2,650,000 (21 bb)

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