Hands #32-34: Abhinav Iyer Gets Some From Sudheer Chowdary

Apr 17, 2023

Hand #32: Siddharth Jolly opens to 30,000 on the button and Amit Tejura three-bets to 800,000 out of the big blind for Jolly to fold.

Hand #33: Sudheer Chowdary min-raises to 300,000 from the under-the-gun position and Abhinav Iyer three-bets to 750,000 in the next seat, earning a call from Chowdary. The flop brings Heart QClub JDiamond 8 and Chowdary check-folds to a bet worth 600,000 by Iyer.

Hand #34: A walk for Chowdary.

Abhinav Iyer – 4,750,000 (31 bb)
Sudheer Chowdary – 6,350,000 (42 bb)

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