Hands #31-34: Horchoff Ships

Nov 19, 2013

Hand #31 – Corrie Wunstel raises to 110,000 from the button and takes down the blinds and antes.

Hand #32 – Blake Purvis raises to 115,000 and Margo Costa calls from the big blind. The flop comes [9hJd7c] and Purvis leads out and Costa folds her hand. 

Hand #33 – Jared Jaffee raises to 110,000 from the cutoff and finds a three-bet to 300,000 from Margo Costa out of the small blind. Action folds back to Jaffee who kicks in his cards as well. Costa drags in the pot. 

Hand #34 – Costa raises to 125,000 from the button and Michael Horchoff three-bets all in for 850,000 from the small blind. Action comes back to Costa who thinks for a moment before folding her hand. 

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