Hands #28-32 - Ouin Is Still Going Strong

Nov 6, 2011

Hand # 28 – Unknown Action

Hand #29 – Scott Baumstein raises to 80,000 in the hijack and Michel Konieczny moves all-in from the small blind and Baumstein folds.

Hand #30 – Thibaud Guenegou raises to 85,000 in the small blind and Arnaud Trouer calls. The flop is a very red looking [Ad] [7d] [3d] and Guenegou wins the pot with a 70,000 bet.

Hand #31 – Scott Baumstein gets a walk

Hand #32 – Jordane Ouin raises to 85,000 in first position and everyone folds except Adrien Allain in the big blind. The play then reduces to a stand still as all three streets are checked on a [Kh] [6c] [2s] [Kh] [7d] board and Ouin wins the hand at showdown.

Ouin: [Ad] [Qc]
Allain: [As] [5s]

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