Hands #25-26: Seth Davies Takes the Lead

May 5, 2016

Seth Davies

Hand #25  –  Thomas Taylor raises under the gun to 100,000, taking the blinds and antes.

Hand #26  –  Seth Davies (pictured) raises under the gun to 105,000, Ruben Perceval reraises from the button to 265,000, and Davies calls. The flop comes Spade KHeart 8Spade 6, Davies checks, Perceval bets 260,000, and Davies calls.

The turn card is the Club 10, Davies checks, Perceval bets 400,000, and Davies tanks for a while before he check-raises all in for about 1.75 million. Perceval tanks for a while before he folds, and Davies takes the pot.

Pot Size:  1,955,000

Seth Davies  –  3,300,000  (66 bb)
Ruben Perceval  –  3,225,000  (65 bb)

These chip counts are unofficial, but it looks like Seth Davies has just taken the chip lead.

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