Hands #22-23: Douglas Olsson Doubles Thru Andrew Gaw

Oct 26, 2014

Hand #22  –  Linh Tran raises from middle position to 50,000, winning the blinds and antes.

Hand #23  –  Glenn Bernier raises from the cutoff to 50,000, Douglas Olsson (pictured above) moves all in from the small blind for 429,000, and Andrew Gaw tanks for a while in the big blind before he moves all in over the top. Bernier folds.

Olsson turns over [4c4d], but he needs to improve to stay alive against Gaw’s [AcAs].

The board comes [Jc4h3s10d3h], and Olsson flops a set and rivers a full house to win the pot and double up in chips.

Douglas Olsson  –  940,000  (39 bb)

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