Hands #21-24: Tank Fold From Price

Nov 18, 2013

Hand #21 – Action folds to Randall Price in the small blind and he makes it 57,000 to go. Matthew Oswalt three-bet to 124,000 from the big blind and Price goes into the tank for almost two minutes before opting to release his hand.

Hand #22 – Ryan Eriquezzo opens to 50,000 from under the gun and Jared Jaffee calls from the next seat over. The two go heads up to a [6c9d3c] flop where Eriquezzo continues for 60,000. This bet gets a fold from Jaffee.

Hand #23 – Eriquezzo receives a walk in the big blind.

Hand #24 – Oswalt opens to 55,000 from the cutoff and the button and blinds fold.  

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