Hands #200-203: Steve Buckner Moves Up to Second in Chips, Dropping Michael Gathy Down to the Short Stack

Oct 23, 2022

HAND #200  –  Chad Eveslage raises from the button to 450,000, and Michael Gathy calls from the big blind. Both players check to the turn on a board of Heart QSpade JDiamond 5Heart 9, Gathy checks, Eveslage bets 600,000, and Gathy calls.

The river card is the Diamond 2, Gathy checks, Eveslage bets 2,000,000, and Gathy uses one of his Time Chips to tank for about 40 seconds before he folds. Eveslage takes the pot.

HAND #201  –  Steve Buckner limps from the button for 200,000, and Chad Eveslage checks his option in the big blind. The flop comes Diamond AClub QSpade 9, Eveslage checks, Buckner bets 350,000, and Eveslage folds. Buckner takes the pot.

HAND #202  –  Michael Gathy raises from the button to 400,000, taking the blinds and ante.

HAND #203  –  Steve Buckner completes the small blind to 200,000, and Michael Gathy checks his option in the big blind. The flop comes Club JHeart 9Club 8, Buckner bets 350,000, and Gathy calls. The turn card is the Spade K, Buckner bets 1,000,000, and Gathy calls.

The river card is the Heart K, Buckner moves all in for 4,025,000, and Gathy folds. Buckner proudly shows Heart 10Diamond 7 for a jack-high straight as he takes the pot. Buckner celebrates as he moves into second in chips.

Seat 1.  Steve Buckner  –  7,325,000  (37 bb)
Seat 2.  Michael Gathy  –  6,300,000  (32 bb)
Seat 3.  Chad Eveslage  –  14,800,000  (74 bb)

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