Hands #19-22: Thomas Hofmann Tips His Hand Early, and It May Have Cost Him a Call

Sep 11, 2023

Thomas Hofmann
Photo:  Thomas Hofmann

HAND #19  –  Alessandro Pichierri raises from early position to 300,000, and Lukas Pazma calls from the big blind. The flop comes Club QDiamond JClub 3, Pazma checks, Pichierri bets 350,000, and Pazma calls.

The turn card is the Heart 5, Pazma checks, Pichierri bets 775,000, and Pazma folds. Pichierri takes the pot.

HAND #20  –  Alessandro Pichierri raises from middle position to 300,000, taking the blinds and ante.

HAND #21  –  David Kozma raises from middle position to 300,000, taking the blinds and ante.

HAND #22  –  Faton Berisha raises from middle position to 300,000, Lukas Pazma reraises from the cutoff to 800,000, and Thomas Hofmann moves all in from the button for 3,825,000.

Berisha folds, and Pazma goes into the tank. After 30 seconds have expired on the Time Clock, Pazma tosses in a Time Chip for another 30 seconds, but Hofmann interprets this as a call and starts turning over his cards, revealing the Club K before the dealer stops him.

The tournament director is called for a ruling, and the hand is still live and play will continue without penalty.

After seeing Hofmann’s king, Pazma folds, and Hofmann shows Diamond KClub K as he takes the pot.

Thomas Hofmann  –  5,550,000  (37 bb)
Lukas Pazma  –  8,100,000  (54 bb)

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