Hands #18-21: Travis Fujisaka Eliminated in 8th Place ($38,000)

May 1, 2022

Travis Fujisaka
Photo:  Travis Fujisaka

HAND #18  –  David Ong moves all in from the hijack, and Zlatan Klimenta calls from the big blind with Spade AClub K. Ong turns over Heart ASpade K, and unless somebody makes a flush, it’ll be a chopped pot.

The board comes Club ADiamond 10Diamond 4Heart 2Diamond 8, and it’s a chopped pot.

HAND #19  –  Nabil Zumout raises from the hijack to 400,000, taking the blinds and ante.

HAND #20  –  Carl Oman raises from the hijack to 400,000, taking the blinds and ante.

HAND #21  –  David Ong moves all in under the gun for 1,175,000, Carl Oman calls from middle position, and Travis Fujisaka moves all in over the top from the button for 1,800,000.

Oman calls, and all three players show their cards.

Carl Oman:  Spade 9Club 9
Travis Fujisaka:  Spade AClub A
David Ong:  Heart KClub Q

The board comes Club 10Diamond 9Club 6Heart 4Heart J, and Fujisaka’s pocket aces finish third as Oman flops a set of nines and Ong rivers a king-high straight.

Ong wins the main pot to triple up in chips, while Oman wins the side pot with his set to eliminate Fujisaka in eighth place.

David Ong  –  4,025,000  (20 bb)
Carl Oman  –  8,800,000  (44 bb)
Travis Fujisaka  –  Eliminated in 8th Place  ($38,000)

David Ong
Photo:  David Ong

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