Hands #16-18 Stavila Good with a Seven

May 17, 2024

Hand #16 – Brad Owen opens to 250,000 and action folds around. 

Hand #17 – Marc Lavergne opens to 250,000 and Dan Stavila calls from the big blind to see a flop of Diamond 7Club 2Spade J. Stavila checks, Lavergne bets 225,000, and Stavila calls. On the turn Club 3, Stavila checks, Lavergne fires for 475,000, and Stavila calls. The river is the Spade 10 and both players check. Stavila shows Club 7Heart 8 for a pair of sevens and Lavergne mucks. 

Hand #18- Jikai Zhang opens to 250,000 and action folds around. 

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