Hands #154-161: Konstantin Held Extends Lead

Jan 29, 2024

Chip Leader Konstantin Held

Hand #154: Konstantin Held raises to 400,000 on the button for Joshua Mccully to defend the big blind, then check-fold the Spade 6Spade 2Diamond 2 flop when facing a bet of 300,000.

Hand #155: Florent Remi makes it 400,000 to go on the button and Mccully three-bets to 1,325,000 in the small blind. Held in the big blind seemingly has a decision to make but ends up folding. Remi gives it brief consideration and jams, Mccully snap-folds.

“He for sure had blockers,” Mccully says, referring to Held, who asks if he should pull his cards from the muck. Held then grabs his cards and exposes the Diamond 7Heart 2.

Remi also shows his cards, the Diamond AHeart K, while Mccully exposes just the Heart A.

Hand #156: Held limps the small blind, Remi checks from the big blind. Held check-folds the Heart QHeart 5Heart 2 flop to a bet of 200,000.

Hand #157: Remi limps the small blind and Mccully raises to 625,000 to win the pot. He shows his Heart 7Spade 2 and then suggests that everyone should show one card if they win the hand.

Hand #158: Mccully limps the small blind, Held knuckles it back. Mccully “range bets” 200,000 on Spade ADiamond KSpade 8 to win the pot.

Hand #159: Mccully opens to 400,000 on the button but backs out when Remi three-bets to 1,300,000 in the big blind.

Hand #160: Held opens the button to 400,000 to win it, flashing the Club 10.

Hand #161: Remi raises to 400,000 on the button, Held comes along. They check to the Club 6Diamond 4Heart 2Spade KClub 7 river on which Held check-calls for 500,000.

Remi shows Heart 9Spade 8 for a bluff, Held wins with the X XAs9d5/pc] and claims the last pot before a scheduled 15-minute break.

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