Hands #15-16: Jeremy Kottler Doubles Thru Rafael Ferreira de Oliveira

Aug 31, 2016

Jeremy Kottler
Photo:  Jeremy Kottler

Hand #15  –  David Pham raises UTG+1 to 125,000, taking the blinds and antes.

Hand #16  –  Rafael Ferreira de Oliveira raises from middle position to 115,000, Jeremy Kottler moves all in from middle position for 615,000, and de Oliveira calls with Spade ASpade K. Kottler turns over Spade 10Heart 10, and needs his hand to hold to stay alive.

The board comes Heart 9Club 9Diamond 6Spade 6Club 6, and the pocket tens hold up for Kottler to win the pot with a full house, sixes full of tens, to double up in chips.

Jeremy Kottler  –  1,355,000  (27 bb)
Rafael Ferreira de Oliveira  –  610,000  (12 bb)

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