Hands #136 - 140: Zamani Chips Away at Patterson

Nov 10, 2015

Hand 136 

Tyler Patterson raises to 225,000 and Ben Zamani calls. The flop is Spade QSpade JDiamond 10 and Zamani leads out for 125,000. Patterson calls and the Club 3 comes on the turn. Zamani continues his aggression, betting 250,000.

Patterson calls again and the river is the Diamond 2. Zamani checks and Patterson bets 400,000. Zamani quickly calls and Patterson shows Spade AClub Q, good for top pair, top kicker and Zamani mucks his hand. Patterson drags the pot and wins a pot worth over 1.5 million in chips.

Tyler Patterson – 9,300,000
Ben Zamani – 2,990,000

Hand 137 

Ben Zamani folds on the button, giving Tyler Patterson a walk.

Hand 138

Tyler Patterson raises to 200,000 on the button and Ben Zamani moves all in. Patterson folds and Zamani takes the pot.

Hand 139 

Ben Zamani limps in on the button and Tyler Patterson checks his option. The flop is Spade 8Heart 7Club 6 and Patterson leads out for 100,000. Zamani raises to 275,000 and Patterson three-bets to 600,000.

Zamani takes a moment and then calls. There is over 1,300,000 in the pot and the turn is the Diamond A. Patterson takes a few moments and checks. Zamani bets 475,000 and Patterson folds after a few moments in the tank.

Hand 140

Tyler Patterson raises to 200,000 on the button and Ben Zamani three-bets to 425,000. Patterson calls and the flop is Club ADiamond QSpade 5 and Zamani bets 275,000. Patterson calls and the turn is Diamond 7. Both players check and the Spade 8 comes on the river. Zamani shows Diamond KClub Q and Patterson mucks his hand.

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