Hands #133-138: The Chatter Keeps Flowing

Jan 29, 2024

Hand #133: Florent Remi limps and folds when Joshua Mccully raises to 700,000 with the latter showing the Diamond AHeart J.

Hand #134: Mccully limps, Konstantin Held checks from the big blind. Mccully bets 275,000 on the Club KSpade 6Diamond 3 flop for Held to call. They check the Heart A turn and Mccully announces “now I have to bet to bluff you” and tosses in 575,000 on the Heart Q river.

“I folded a pair,” Held replies and Mccully shows the Spade 8Spade 4

Hand #135: Mccully raises the button to 450,000, the blinds fold.

Hand #136: Held opens to 400,000 on the button, Mccully comes along out of the big blind and declares a “check-fold” when the flop brings Spade 9Spade 8Diamond 8.

Held has not quite bet yet when Mccully already mucks and the German shows his Heart JDiamond J with a smirk on the face.

Hand #137: Remi opens to 400,000 on the button, Held calls on the big blind. They check the Spade KClub 9Diamond 7 flop and Held check-folds the Heart A turn to a bet of 900,000 with “no calling range”.

Hand #138: Mccully raises to 425,000 on the button to take it down.

Konstantin Held – 18,250,000 (93 bb)
Florent Remi – 10,200,000 (51 bb)
Joshua Mccully – 9,300,000 (47 bb)

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