Hands #132 - 135: Lots of Check-Raising

Nov 10, 2015

Heads Up _Ben Zamani_Tyler Patterson

Hand 132

Tyler Patterson raises to 225,000 and Ben Zamani three-bets to 530,000. Patterson folds.

Hand 133

Ben Zamani limps in on the button and Tyler Patterson checks his option. The flop is Heart QHeart 8Diamond 2 and Patterson bets 135,000 and Patterson calls. The turn is the Spade A and both players check. The river is the Heart 3 and Patterson checks, as does Zamani.

Patterson shows X 7X 2, giving him a pair of deuces and Zamani mucks his hand.

Hand 134

Tyler raises to 200,000 on the button and Ben Zamani calls. Both players check a flop of Spade JClub 9Spade 4 and the Spade 10 comes on the turn. Zamani checks and Patterson bets 250,000. Zamani check-raises to 600,000 and Patterson folds.

Hand 135

Ben Zamani raises to 200,000 on the button and Tyler Patterson calls. The flop is Diamond 10Spade 9Diamond 8 and Patterson checks. Zamani bets 180,000 and Patterson check-raises to 525,000. Zamani folds.

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