Hands #1-3: Diane Crous Doubles Thru Nick Sissou

Nov 16, 2014

Hand #1  –  Cape Connexion raises under the gun to 27,000, winning the blinds and antes. Connexion shows [QhQs] as he collects the pot.

Hand #2  –  Aaron Overton raises from the hijack to 26,000, Nick Sissou calls from the cutoff, Diane Crous calls from the button, and Cape Connexion calls from the big blind. The flop comes [Qs6d3s], and it checks to Sissou, who bets 50,000. Crous folds, Connexion calls, and Overton folds.

The turn is the [Kc], Connexion checks, Sissou moves all in, and Connexion tanks for a while before he folds. Sissou takes the pot.

Hand #3  –  Aaron Overton raises from middle position to 26,000, Nick Sissou calls from the hijack, and Diane Crous reraises from teh cutoff to 52,000. Overton folds, and Sissou calls.

The flop comes [Qs7h2c], Sissou checks, Crous bets 90,000, and Sissou moves all in. Crous calls all in for 194,000 with [AcQc] for a pair of queens. Sissou turns over [Qh10h] for a pair of queens with a lower kicker, and Crous needs her hand to hold to stay alive.

The turn is the [As], the river is the [7c], and Crous wins the pot with two pair, aces and queens, to double up in chips.

Diane Crous  –  546,000  (45 bb)

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