Hands #127-131: Final Four Players

Sep 24, 2024

Hand #127: Daniel Murphy opens the action with a raise to 130,000 from under the gun to win the blinds.

Hand #128: Oleg Ivanchenko opens to 350,000 in the small blind, Murphy folds the big blind.

Hand #129: Murphy limps in from the small blind, James Obst raises to 210,000 and shuts down his table neighbour.

Hand #130: Ivanchenko raises to 120,000 in the cutoff and Obst calls in the small blind. They check the Diamond 10Heart 6Spade 2 flop and Obst check-calls the Diamond A turn for 150,000.

Obst leads the Diamond Q river for 200,000 and Ivanchenko tank-calls after using one time bank. Obst shows Heart QHeart 10 for two pair and wins the pot.

Hand #131: Travis Endersby raises to 755,000 in the small blind, Ivanchenko forfeits the big blind.

James Obst – 11,100,000 (185 bb)
Oleg Ivanchenko – 500,000 (8 bb)

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