Hands #123-128: Marc Sen Increases His Lead Over Leandro Dirlewanger

Sep 9, 2024

HAND #123  –  Marc Sen limps for 60,000, and Leandro Dirlewanger checks his option in the big blind. Both players check to the river on a board of Club JSpade 6Spade 5Diamond 2Heart 5, Dirlewanger bets 2,500,000, and Sen thinks for a while before he folds. Dirlewanger takes the pot.

HAND #124  –  Leandro Dirlewanger folds, giving Marc Sen a walk in the big blind.

HAND #125  –  Marc Sen folds, giving Leandro Dirlewanger a walk in the big blind.

HAND #126  –  Leandro Dirlewanger limps for 600,000, Marc Sen raises from the big blind to 2,000,000, and Dirlewanger folds. Sen takes the pot.

HAND #127  –  Marc Sen folds, giving Leandro Dirlewanger a walk in the big blind.

HAND #128  –  Leandro Dirlewanger limps for 600,000, Marc Sen raises from the big blind to 2,000,000, and Dirlewanger limp-raises to 4,600,000.

Sen moves all in, and Dirlewanger quickly folds. Sen takes the pot.

Marc Sen  –  49,000,000  (82 bb)
Leandro Dirlewanger  –  7,400,000  (12 bb)

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