Hands #123-126 Yakiv Syzghanov Takes Lead

Feb 5, 2024

Hand #123 Both players limp to the flop of Club 3Spade JHeart 9, Yakiv Syzghanov checks, and Laurent Michot bets 500,000. Syzghanov then check-raises to 1,500,000 and Michot folds. 

Hand #124 – Both players limp to the flop of Club KSpade 10Club 2 and  Michot check-calls a bet of 600,000 from Syzghanov. The action is then checked through the turn Spade J and they go to the river Spade 7. Michot checks, Syzghanov bombs it for 2,400,000, and Michot snap-calls. 

“Jack,” Syzghanov announces as he tables Club JHeart 6 and Michot mucks to award him the pot. 

Hand #125 – Both players limp and check to the river Diamond 4Diamond 10Heart KSpade 5Heart Q, where Syzghanov bets 1,200,000 and takes it down. 

Hand #126 – Syzghanov limps, Michot raises to 2,400,000, and Syzghanov calls. On the flop Club AHeart KDiamond K, Michot continues for 1,000,000, but Syzghanov raises to 2,400,000, forcing a hasty fold from Michot. 

Yakiv Syzghanov – 22,500,000 (38 bb)
Laurent Michot – 15,400,000 (26 bb)

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