Hands #123-124: Matthew Haugen Eliminated in 4th Place ($220,207)

Apr 20, 2016

Matt Haugen_Justin Young

Hand #123  –  Justin Young raises from the button to 525,000, and Garrett Greer calls from the small blind.

The flop comes Spade 5Heart 4Heart 3, Greer checks, Young bets 600,000, and Greer folds. Young flashes what the announcer believes to be pocket kings as he takes the pot.

Hand #124  –  Justin Young raises under the gun to 525,000, Matthew Haugen moves all in from the big blind for 4,975,000, and Young calls with Spade JHeart J. Haugen turns over Spade AClub J, and he needs to improve to stay alive.

The board comes Diamond KDiamond 10Club 7Spade 7Diamond 3, and the pocket jacks hold up for Young to win the pot and eliminate Matthew Haugen in fourth place.

Matthew Haugen  –  Eliminated in 4th Place  ($220,207)

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