Hands #121-129: Final Three Players

Aug 25, 2016

Hand #121 – Jeffrey Cormier raises to 210,000 on the button. Jason Mandanici-Turcot moves all in from the small blind, and Cormier folds.

Hand #122 – Jason Mandanici-Turcot raises to 200,000. Everyone folds, and Turcot scoops the blinds and antes.

Hand #123 – Jeffrey Cormier moves all in from the small blind, and Jason Mandanici-Turcot folds.

Hand #124 – Nathan Hall gets a walk.

Hand #125 – Jason Mandanici-Turcot raises to 200,000 on the button. Everyone folds, and Turcot shows Spade ADiamond A before raking in the pot.

Hand #126 – Nathan Hall raises to 200,000 on the button, and both the small and big blind fold.

Hand #127 – Jason Mandanici-Turcot raises to 200,000 on the button, and everyone folds.

Hand #128 – Nathan Hall limps in on the button. Jeffrey Cormier calls from the small blind, and Jason Mandanici-Turcot checks his option in the big blind.

The flop comes Spade JDiamond 6Club 2. Cormier and Turcot both check. Hall bets 110,000 on the button, and both of his opponents fold.

Hand #129 – Jeffrey Cormier raises to 250,000 on the button, and Nathan Hall defends his big blind.

The flop comes Spade ADiamond QDiamond 4. Hall checks, and Cormier bets 275,000. Hall calls. The turn is the Heart 9. Hall checks again, and Cormier bets 400,000. Hall calls. The river is the Spade 8. Hall checks for a third time, and Cormier says, “If it’s anyone else, I bet. But it’s you. I check.”

Hall shows Diamond JDiamond 9, but it is no match for Cormier’s Diamond ADiamond 6. As Cormier rakes in the pot he says, “Put the diamond there. One time.”

Seat 1: Nathan Hall – 4,150,000 (41 bb)
Seat 2: Jeffrey Cormier – 6,100,000 (61 bb)
Seat 3: Jason Mandanici-Turcot – 1,500,000 (15 bb)

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