Hands #121-122: Final Four Players

Sep 24, 2024

Hand #121: Oleg Ivanchenko raises to 120,000 on the button and James Obst calls in the small blind. They check the Club KDiamond 5Heart 3 flop and Obst also checks the Spade K turn. Ivanchenko bets 150,000 but folds when Obst check-raises to 400,000.

Hand #122: Obst limps the small blind and Travis Endersby checks in the big blind. Obst bets 60,000 and Endersby folds.

James Obst – 9,900,000 (165 bb)
Travis Endersby – 4,750,000 (79 bb)
Oleg Ivanchenko – 1,150,000 (19 bb)

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