Hands #12-15: A Split Pot and Some Profit for Jose Catela

Mar 19, 2023

Jose Catela
Photo:  Jose Catela (center, in blue) chops the all-in situation with Bien Mai.

Hand #12: Jose Catela raises to 200,000 from under the gun. Bien Mai three-bets to 500,000 in middle position and Catela uses two time bank extensions before moving all-in, Mai calls.

Jose Catela: Club ASpade K
Bien Mai: Heart AHeart K

The board runs out Spade AClub QHeart 3Diamond 8Spade 10 and they chop it up.

Hand #13: Lewis Cowell raises to 200,000 and folds when Sho Katsura three-bet jams for 1,270,000 in the small blind.

Hand #14: Catela limps the small blind and Matthieu Lamagnere checks out of the big blind. They check the Heart ASpade QHeart 3 flop and Catela check-calls for 125,000 on the Club 5 turn. Both check again the Heart J river and Catela wins the pot with the Heart KClub 6.

Hand #15: Mai opens to 200,000 from under the gun, scooping the blinds and big blind ante without resistance.

Bien Mai – 4,600,000 (46 bb)
Matthieu Lamagnere – 4,450,000 (44 bb)
Jose Catela – 1,740,000 (17 bb)
Sho Katsura – 1,670,000 (16 bb)

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