Hands #119-123: Seung Hun Ko Jams Three Times in Five Hands

Aug 21, 2023

Hand #119: Yannick Leonard raises to 500,000 on the button and Seung Hun Ko defends the big blind. On a Club 7Diamond 5Heart 2 flop, Ko check-raises Leonard’s bet of 250,000 and takes it down.

Hand #120: Seonguk Huh raises the button to 550,000 and Ko jams in the small blind, forcing out Leonard and Huh.

Hand #121: Ko opens to 600,000 on the button and Huh three-bets to 1,700,000 in the big blind, claiming the pot.

Hand #122: Leonard makes it 500,000 togo on the button and Ko jams again to force out the Frenchman.

Hand #123: Huh opens the button to550,000, Ko jams the small blind and gets through with it once more.

Seonguk Huh – 21,400,000 (86 bb)
Seung Hun Ko – 11,000,000 (44 bb)
Yannick Leonard – 8,400,000 (34 bb)

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