Hands #118-123: Xizhen Huang Doubles Through Duy Thuc Nguyen

May 29, 2023

Xizhen Huang

Hand #118: A walk for Chak Lam Tsang, who shows Diamond AHeart J

Hand #119: Tsang limps the small blind and Duy Thuc Nguyen checks to the Spade KDiamond 3Heart 2 flop. Tsang bets 350,000 and folds when Nguyen raises to 800,000.

Hand #120: Nguyen limps the small blind and folds to a shove by Xizhen Huang.

Hand #121: Nguyen jams the button, both short stacks fold.

Hand #122: A walk for Nguyen once more.

Hand #123: Nguyen jams out of the small blind into the big blind of Huang, who opts to call for 2,275,000.

Xizhen Huang: Spade 10Club 8
Duy Thuc Nguyen: Diamond KClub J

Both have a piece of the Club AHeart JDiamond 10 flop but it is Huang who pulls a rabbit out of the hat on the Spade 8 turn and Club 7 river.

Xizhen Huang – 4,850,000 (16 bb)
Duy Thuc Nguyen – 23,000,000 (77 bb)

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