Hands #118-122: Heads-Up Play

Sep 9, 2024

Hand #118: Leandro Dirlewanger limps in and folds when Marc Sen raises to 2,000,000.

Hand #119: Sen limps in, Dirlewanger raises to 1,500,000 and receives a call. The Heart 9Heart 6Spade 5 flop is checked to Sen who bets 2,750,000 and wins the pot.

Hand #120: Dirlewanger jams the button and Sen folds.

Hand #121: Sen limps, Dirlewanger raises to 1,750,000 and receives a call. The flop comes Diamond 10Spade 10Spade 9 and Dirlewanger continues for 1,250,000 to win the pot.

Hand #122: Dirlewanger limps, Sen checks. They check to the Club 6Club 3Club 2Club JSpade J river on which Sen bets 750,000. Dirlewanger calls and wins the pot with Club 5Spade 2 versus Heart QDiamond 5.

Marc Sen – 46,750,000 (94 bb)
Leandro Dirlewanger – 9,700,000 (19 bb)

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