Hands #116-118: Matthew Haugen Doubles Thru Justin Young

Apr 20, 2016

Matt Haugen

Hand #116  –  Justin Young raises under the gun to 525,000, Garrett Greer reraises from the button to 1,200,000, and Young tanks for a while before he calls. The flop comes Spade 7Club 7Club 4, Young checks, Greer bets 1,100,000, and Young thinks for a while before he folds. Greer takes the pot.

Hand #117  –  Hyoung Chae limps from the button for 250,000, and Justin Young calls from the big blind. The flop comes Heart 8Club 6Spade 3, Young bets 250,000, and Chae calls. The turn card is the Spade K, and both players check.

The river card is the Heart 10, and they check again. Young shows X 6X 4 for a pair of sixes, but Chae turns over Heart ADiamond 6 to win the pot with a pair of sixes, ace kicker.

Hand #118  –  Matthew Haugen (pictured above) moves all in from the button for 2,575,000, and Justin Young moves all in over the top from the small blind with Diamond 10Club 10. Haugen turns over Heart KDiamond 4, and he needs to improve to stay alive.

The board comes Spade QHeart JDiamond JClub 3Diamond K, and Haugen pairs his king on the river to win the pot and double up in chips.

Matthew Haugen  –  5,500,000  (22 bb)
Justin Young  –  8,650,000  (35 bb)

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