Hands #116-117: Duy Thuc Nguyen Chips Up Further

May 29, 2023

Duy Thuc Nguyen

Hand #116: Chak Lam Tsang limps the small blind and folds to a raise by Duy Thuc Nguyen.

Hand #117: Nguyen limps and Xizhen Huang checks to the Spade KDiamond 3Heart 3 flop on which both check. Nguyen then bets the Club 2 turn and the Heart 7 river for 300,000 and 1,000,000 respectively.

Huang calls but mucks when he is shown the Spade 6Spade 3.

Duy Thuc Nguyen – 25,000,000 (100 bb)
Xizhen Huang – 3,000,000 (12 bb)

After the hand, the blinds increase to 150,000-300,000 with a big blind ante of 300,000.

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