Hands #11-12 Tamer Alkamli Chips Up

May 20, 2024

Hand #11: Dongwoo Ko opens UTG +1 to 180,000 and is then three-bet to 600,000 by Tamer Alkamli in the hijack. Ko thinks about it for a good while, using a time bank before he ultimately decides to fold. 

Hand #12: Alkamli opens to 150,000 and is three-bet to 450,000 by Tommy Nguyen in the cutoff. The action folds back to Alkamli who makes the call and they go heads-up to a flop of Diamond 9Heart 9Club 8.

Alkamli checks, Nguyen bets 250,000, and Alkamli calls to see the Diamond 4 arrive on the turn. Alkamli checks, Nguyen fires for 800,000, and Alkamli calls once more. 

The action goes check-check on the river Heart 3 and Alkamli tables Diamond QSpade Q, prompting a hasty muck from Nguyen to award him the sizeable pot. 

Tamer Alkamli – 6,600,000 (83 bb)
Tommy Nguyen – 4,525,000 (57 bb)

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