Hand #33 - Samuel Klocker Eliminated in 8th Place by Aleks Denishev ($22,200)

Aug 26, 2024

Samuel KlockerPhoto: Samuel Klocker eliminated in 8th place 

Eduard Bagrov opens to 300,000 under the gun with and is met with a three-bet to 850,000 by Aleks Denishev in the next seat.

Samuel Klocker is in the hijack and takes some time to think before moving all in for 2,400,000. Bagrov gets out of the way and Denishev calls, with Klocker at risk.

Samuel Klocker: Spade ASpade Q
Aleks Denishev: Heart AClub K

Klocker’s ace is dominated and his exit is confirmed by the Heart KSpade JHeart 8Club 8Spade 2 runout, Denishev scooping the pot with a pair of kings.

Aleks Denishev – 6,900,000 (46 bb)
Samuel Klocker – eliminated

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