Hand #96: Payman Arjang Eliminated in 8th Place ($133,632)

Feb 25, 2009

Hand #96  –  Payman Arjang raises from the button to 170,000, Chris Karagulleyan reraises from the big blind to 655,000, and Arjang goes into the tank. Eventually, somebody calls the clock, and Arjang calls. 

Everyone briefly goes crazy, until TD Matt Savage reminds everyone that Arjang isn’t all in, and he has 135,000 left behind. Karagulleyan says he will move all in dark, and Arjang quickly calls in the dark before the flop is put out. 

Even though the action is technically post-flop, the players turn over their cards. Arjang shows [AhJc], but he’ll need to improve against Karagulleyan’s [KdKh]. 

The flop comes [Ac5s2h], and Arjang takes the lead with a pair of aces. Unable to watch the rest of the board, he takes two steps away from the table and turns around, ready to judge his fate by nothing but the crowd’s reaction. 

The turn is the [8s], and the river is — the [Ks]! 

Karagulleyan has a huge crowd of supporters in the room, and they all explode in celebration as he rivers a set of kings to win the pot. Arjang is crushed, and he turns to look at the table in a bit of shock. 

Payman Arjang is eliminated in eighth place, earning $133,632. The next player to bust will receive $180,403. 

Chris Karagulleyan  –  2,250,000
Payman Arjang  –  Out in 8th Place ($133,632)

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