Hand #90: Maurice Hawkins Eliminated in 4th Place ($220,258)

Sep 25, 2015

Maurice Hawkins

Maurice Hawkins raises under the gun to 350,000, David Paredes reraises from the small blind to 880,000, and Hawkins moves all in for 3,900,000.

Paredes calls with Diamond AClub A, and Hawkins turns over Spade 10Heart 10. Hawkins needs to improve to stay alive.

The board comes Spade JSpade 4Club 2Spade 3Heart 5 — Hawkins turns a spade flush draw, but Paredes rivers a five-high straight to win the pot. Hawkins is eliminated in fourth place.

Seat 2.  Joe Kuether  –  7,520,000
Seat 4.  Maurice Hawkins  –  Eliminated in 4th Place  ($220,258)
Seat 5.  Jim Gilbert  –  13,355,000
Seat 6.  David Paredes  –  9,970,000

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