Martin Romanec Doubles Thru Jeff Cecil

Jun 26, 2018

In Hand #9 of hand-for-hand play on the Money Bubble, Jeff Cecil raises under the gun to 9,000, Ilkin Amirov calls from the small blind, and Martin Romanec calls from the big blind.

The flop comes Heart 10Heart 7Club 7, Amirov checks, and Romanec moves all in for 47,000. Cecil calls, and Amirov folds.

Romanec shows Club JDiamond 10 for two pair, tens and sevens, and Cecil turns over Heart 9Club 9 for a lower two pair, nines and sevens. Romanec needs his hand to hold to stay alive.

The turn card is the Club K, the river card is the Heart Q, and Romanec wins the pot with his tens and sevens to double up in chips.

Martin Romanec  –  125,000  (31 bb)
Jeff Cecil  –  145,000  (36 bb)

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