Hand #84: Chris Arvanitis Eliminated in 7th Place (CAD $72,510)

Nov 18, 2015

Chris Arvanitis

Hand #84  –  Chris Arvanitis Arvanitis (pictured) raises from the cutoff to 160,000, and Brian Altman calls from the big blind.

The flop comes Club QClub 4Diamond 3, Altman checks, Arvanitis bets 250,000, and Altman check-raises to 625,000. Arvanitis moves all in for 1,720,000, and Altman calls with Diamond KSpade Q for a pair of queens. But Arvanitis turns over Diamond ADiamond Q for a pair of queens with a higher kicker, and he needs his hand to hold to stay alive.

The turn is the Heart 9, and the river is — the Club K.

Altman rivers two pair, kings and queens, to win the pot and eliminate Arvanitis on the TV bubble.

Brian Altman  –  8,460,000  (141 bb)
Chris Arvanitis  –  Eliminated in 7th Place  (CAD $72,510)

The final six players are now verifying their chip counts and filling out their WPT bio sheets for tomorrow afternoon’s televised WPT Final Table. Official chip counts will be posted soon.

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