Hand #84-85: Stephan Van Den Berg Doubles Up

Mar 31, 2023

Hand #84: Eli Fisz raises to 300,000 and Stephan Van Den Berg defends his big blind. 

The flop of Spade QHeart 6Diamond 4 sees Van Den Berg check-call an all in bet of 650,000 from Fisz and the cards are tabled. 

Stephan Van Den Berg: Club QClub 6

Eli Fisz: Club KDiamond K

The board ran out Heart 8Spade 3 and queens up was good for Van Den Berg to take down the pot and double. 

Hand #85: Carlos Da Costa Dias receives a walk. 

Eli Fisz – 5,300,000 (35 bb)

Stephan Van Den Berg – 1,825,000 (12 bb)


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