Hand #83: Andre Crooks Out in 3rd Place ($383,000)

Apr 22, 2015

Andre Crooks
Joe Ebanks raises from the small blind to 550,000, Andre Crooks reraises from the big blind to 1,100,000, and Ebanks thinks for a while before reraising to 2,350,000. Crooks thinks for about 45 seconds before five-betting it to 4,800,000.

Ebanks six-bets all in, and Crooks snap-calls all in for 9,975,000 with KspadeKclub. Ebanks turns over 9heart9diamond, and Crooks needs his hand to hold to stay alive.

The board comes AspadeJheart9club4diamond10heart, and Ebanks flops a set of nines to win the pot and eliminate Andre Crooks in third place.

Seat 1.  Griffin Paul  –  17,750,000  (88 bb)
Seat 2.  Joe Ebanks  –  26,475,000  (132 bb)
Seat 6.  Andre Crooks  –  Eliminated in 3rd Place ($383,000)

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