Hand #74: Tanner Millen Bubbles the TV Final Table in 7th Place ($111,495)

Apr 17, 2018

Tanner Millen

Hand #74  –  Tanner Millen (pictured) raises from middle position to 180,000, and Scott Margereson calls from the big blind.

The flop comes Spade KDiamond 10Spade 5, Margereson checks, Millen bets 160,000, and Margereson check-raises to 475,000. Millen moves all in for about 2.15 million, and Margereson calls with Spade 10Heart 10 for a flopped set of tens.

Millen turns over Club ADiamond K for a pair of kings, and he’ll need to catch something runner-runner to stay alive.

The turn card is the Heart J, giving Millen a gutshot straight draw. He needs a queen on the river to stay alive.

The river card is the Diamond 8, and Margereson wins the pot with his set of tens to eliminate Millen in seventh place.

Scott Margereson  –  8,195,000  (102 bb)
Tanner Millen  –  Eliminated in 7th Place  ($111,495)

The final six players are now verifying their chip counts and filling out their WPT bio sheets. Official chip counts will be posted soon.

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