Hand #74: Gary Lucci Out in 4th Place (CAD $79,130)

May 6, 2015

Gary Lucci Busts
Gary Lucci raises from the button to 125,000, Lu Zhang moves all in from the big blind, and Lucci calls all in for 1,105,000 with JheartJdiamond. Zhang turns over AspadeQspade, and Lucci needs his hand to hold to stay alive.

The board comes Qdiamond6club2club5club8diamond, and Zhang pairs her queen on the flop to win the pot and eliminate Lucci in fourth place.

Seat 2.  Levi Stevens  –  915,000
Seat 3.  Gary Lucci  –  Eliminated in 4th Place (CAD $79,130)
Seat 5.  Sheraz Nasir  –  5,490,000
Seat 6.  Lu Zhang  –  4,680,000

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