Hand #72: Wendy Vo Doubles Thru Fabian Foster; Eighth Double-Up for Vo

Jun 17, 2019

Wendy Vo

Hand #72  –  There is no small blind this hand as Wendy Vo pictured) moves all in under the gun for 1,100,000. Fabian Foster calls from the cutoff with Heart ASpade 8, and Vo turns over Club ADiamond 9. Vo needs her hand to hold to stay alive.

The board comes Heart QDiamond JDiamond 5Diamond 2Spade 9, and Vo wins the pot with a pair of nines to double up in chips.

Wendy Vo  –  2,450,000  (20 bb)
Fabian Foster  –  8,700,000  (70 bb)

This is at least the eighth double-up for Vo since there were 22 players remaining in the tournament.

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