Hand #72: Rosenbarger Doubles Through Siebert

Dec 5, 2013

Hand #72 – Sylvain Siebert raises to 260,000 in the cutoff and Derrick Rosenbarger three-bets to 750,000 from the big blind. Siebert calls, the flop falls [AdQdTh], and Rosenbarger continues for 600,000.

Siebert shoves for 3.46 million, Rosenbarger calls all in immediately with [QhQc] for a set of queens, miles ahead of Siebert’s [4d4c].

The [6c] river and [3s] river secure the double up for Rosenbarger, giving him the chip lead. Siebert, meanwhile, is left with less than 12 big blinds. 

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