Hand #71: Antoine Labat Eliminated in 5th Place (€47,000)

Feb 5, 2023

Antoine Labat
Photo:  Antoine Labat

HAND #71  –  Fabrice Bigot raises from the hijack to 425,000, Antoine Labat moves all in from the small blind for 3,525,000, and Bigot calls with Club ASpade Q.

Labat turns over Heart AHeart 9, and he needs to improve to stay alive.

The board comes Club QHeart JClub 6Diamond 4Club 5, and Bigot wins the pot with a pair of queens to eliminate Labat in fifth place.

Fabrice Bigot  –  19,800,000  (99 bb)
Antoine Labat  –  Eliminated in 5th Place  (€47,000)

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