Hand #7: Jamie Brent Eliminated in 9th Place (CAD $42,000)

May 20, 2024

Jamie Brent
Photo:  Jamie Brent

HAND #7  –  Jamie Brent moves all in from the small blind for 240,000, and Tamer Alkamli calls from the big blind with Heart 10Diamond 2.

Brent turns over Club QSpade 4, and needs it to hold to stay alive.

The board comes Spade KClub 8Club 3Diamond 10Diamond 9, and Alkamli pairs his ten on the turn to win the pot and eliminate Brent in ninth place.

Tamer Alkamli  –  5,820,000  (73 bb)
Jamie Brent  –  Eliminated in 9th Place  (CAD $42,000)

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